"""Various wrappers for Parallel MO environments."""
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
from gymnasium.spaces import Box, Dict, Discrete
from gymnasium.wrappers.normalize import RunningMeanStd
from pettingzoo.utils.wrappers.base_parallel import BaseParallelWrapper
from momaland.learning.utils import remap_actions
from momaland.utils.env import MOParallelEnv
class RecordEpisodeStatistics(BaseParallelWrapper):
"""This wrapper will record episode statistics and print them at the end of each episode."""
def __init__(self, env):
"""This wrapper will record episode statistics and print them at the end of each episode.
env (env): The environment to apply the wrapper
BaseParallelWrapper.__init__(self, env)
self.episode_rewards = {agent: 0 for agent in self.possible_agents}
self.episode_lengths = {agent: 0 for agent in self.possible_agents}
def step(self, actions):
"""Steps through the environment, recording episode statistics."""
obs, rews, terminateds, truncateds, infos = super().step(actions)
for agent in self.env.possible_agents:
self.episode_rewards[agent] += rews[agent]
self.episode_lengths[agent] += 1
if all(terminateds.values()) or all(truncateds.values()):
infos["episode"] = {
"r": self.episode_rewards,
"l": self.episode_lengths,
return obs, rews, terminateds, truncateds, infos
def reset(self, seed: Optional[int] = None, options: Optional[dict] = None):
"""Resets the environment and the episode statistics."""
obs, info = super().reset(seed, options)
for agent in self.env.possible_agents:
self.episode_rewards[agent] = 0
self.episode_lengths[agent] = 0
return obs, info
class LinearizeReward(BaseParallelWrapper):
"""Convert MO reward vector into scalar SO reward value.
`weights` represents the weights of each objective in the reward vector space for each agent.
>>> weights = {"agent_0": np.array([0.1, 0.9]), "agent_1": np.array([0.2, 0.8])}
... env = LinearizeReward(env, weights)
def __init__(self, env, weights: dict):
"""Reward linearization class initializer.
env: base env to add the wrapper on.
weights: a dict where keys are agents and values are vectors representing the weights of their rewards.
self.weights = weights
def step(self, actions):
"""Returns a reward scalar from the reward vector."""
observations, rewards, terminations, truncations, infos = self.env.step(actions)
for key in rewards:
if key not in list(self.weights):
rewards[key] = np.dot(rewards[key], self.weights[key])
return observations, rewards, terminations, truncations, infos
class NormalizeReward(BaseParallelWrapper):
r"""This wrapper will normalize immediate rewards s.t. their exponential moving average has a fixed variance.
The exponential moving average will have variance :math:`(1 - \gamma)^2`.
The scaling depends on past trajectories and rewards will not be scaled correctly if the wrapper was newly
instantiated or the policy was changed recently.
>>> for agent in env.possible_agents:
... for idx in range(env.reward_space(agent).shape[0]):
... env = AECWrappers.NormalizeReward(env, agent, idx)
def __init__(
gamma: float = 0.99,
epsilon: float = 1e-8,
"""This wrapper will normalize immediate rewards s.t. their exponential moving average has a fixed variance.
env: The environment to apply the wrapper
agent: the agent whose reward will be normalized
idx: the index of the rewards that will be normalized.
epsilon: A stability parameter
gamma: The discount factor that is used in the exponential moving average.
self.agent = agent
self.idx = idx
self.return_rms = RunningMeanStd(shape=())
self.returns = np.array([0.0])
self.gamma = gamma
self.epsilon = epsilon
def step(self, actions):
"""Steps through the environment, normalizing the rewards returned."""
observations, rewards, terminations, truncations, infos = self.env.step(actions)
# Extracts the objective value to normalize
to_normalize = (
rewards[self.agent][self.idx] if isinstance(rewards[self.agent], np.ndarray) else rewards[self.agent]
) # array vs float
self.returns = self.returns * self.gamma * (1 - terminations[self.agent]) + to_normalize
# Defer normalization to gym implementation
to_normalize = self.normalize(to_normalize)
# Injecting the normalized objective value back into the reward vector
# array vs float
if isinstance(rewards[self.agent], np.ndarray):
rewards[self.agent][self.idx] = to_normalize
rewards[self.agent] = to_normalize
return observations, rewards, terminations, truncations, infos
def normalize(self, rews):
"""Normalizes the rewards with the running mean rewards and their variance."""
return rews / np.sqrt(self.return_rms.var + self.epsilon)
class CentraliseAgent(BaseParallelWrapper):
"""This wrapper will create a central agent that observes the full state of the environment.
The central agent will receive the concatenation of all agents' observations as its own observation (or a global
state, if available in the environment), and a multi-objective reward vector (representing the component-wise sum of
the individual agent rewards) as its own reward. The central agent is expected to return a vector of actions, one
for each agent in the original environment.
def __init__(self, env: MOParallelEnv, action_mapping=False, reward_type="sum"):
"""Central agent wrapper class initializer.
env: The parallel environment to apply the wrapper
action_mapping: Whether to use an action mapping to Discrete spaces of not
reward_type: The type of reward grouping to use, either 'sum' or 'mean'
self.action_mapping = action_mapping
self.unwrapped.spec = namedtuple("Spec", ["id"])
self.unwrapped.spec.id = self.env.metadata.get("name")
self._reward_type = reward_type
if self.env.metadata.get("central_observation"):
self.observation_space = env.get_central_observation_space()
self.unwrapped.observation_space = env.get_central_observation_space()
self.observation_space = Dict({agentID: env.observation_space(agentID) for agentID in self.possible_agents})
# self.action_space = Dict({agentID: env.action_space(agentID) for agentID in self.possible_agents})
# For compatibility with MORL baselines
# Make the action space a Box space with the same bounds as the first agent's action space
ag0_action_space = env.action_space(self.possible_agents[0])
self.num_actions = ag0_action_space.n
if self.action_mapping:
self.action_space = Discrete(self.num_actions ** len(self.possible_agents))
self.unwrapped.action_space = self.action_space
elif self.env.metadata.get("central_observation"):
self.action_space = Box(
high=(ag0_action_space.n - 1),
self.action_space = Dict({agentID: env.action_space(agentID) for agentID in self.possible_agents})
self.reward_space = self.env.reward_space(self.possible_agents[0])
self.unwrapped.reward_space = self.reward_space
def step(self, actions):
"""Steps through the environment, joining the returned values for the central agent."""
# Remake the action list into a dictionary compatible with MOMAland environments
if self.action_mapping:
remapped_actions = remap_actions(actions, len(self.agents), self.num_actions)
actions = {agent: remapped_actions[i] for i, agent in enumerate(self.agents)}
elif self.env.metadata.get("central_observation"):
actions = {agent: actions[num] for num, agent in enumerate(self.possible_agents)}
observations, rewards, terminations, truncations, infos = self.env.step(actions)
if self.env.metadata.get("central_observation"):
observations = self.env.state().flatten()
if self._reward_type == "sum":
joint_reward = np.sum(list(rewards.values()), axis=0)
joint_reward = np.mean(list(rewards.values()), axis=0)
return (
def reset(self, seed=None):
"""Resets the environment, joining the returned values for the central agent."""
observations, infos = self.env.reset(seed)
if self.env.metadata.get("central_observation"):
observations = self.env.state().flatten()
return observations, list(infos.values())